‘The View’ Hosts Explain Tar­iffs To Audi­ence, Get It Wrong: ‘Now He’s Going To Tax Our Tequi­la!’

The hosts of ABC News’ “The View” attempt­ed to explain Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s use of tar­iffs — or the threat of tar­iffs — dur­ing Monday’s broad­cast, and aside from a brief moment of lucid­i­ty from Alyssa Farah Grif­fin, got every­thing wrong.

Grif­fin opened the dis­cus­sion by not­ing that Trump’s threats had already suc­ceed­ed in bring­ing Mex­i­co and Cana­da to the nego­ti­at­ing table — and that both had pledged to aid in his efforts to con­trol the flow of ille­gal immi­grants and lethal drugs across the bor­der and into the Unit­ed States.

She then piv­ot­ed to warn that she believed Trump might be mov­ing toward a more iso­la­tion­ist pol­i­cy, which she claimed could lead to Amer­i­can allies sid­ing with Chi­na instead.


Cohost Ana Navar­ro weighed in then, claim­ing that the Trump admin­is­tra­tion was “bul­ly­ing” immi­grants by arrest­ing and deport­ing vio­lent crim­i­nals and com­plain­ing about the impact rec­i­p­ro­cal tar­iffs from Mex­i­co might have on the price of imports like avo­ca­dos and tequi­la.

“I look at this thing in Mex­i­co and I’m like, okay, as if deport­ing good, hard­work­ing immi­grants wasn’t enough. As if embold­en­ing the racial pro­fil­ing and big­otry against Lati­nos wasn’t enough. As if revok­ing tem­po­rary pro­tec­tive sta­tus for half a mil­lion Venezue­lans wasn’t enough. As if bul­ly­ing Pana­ma wasn’t enough. Now he’s going to tax our tequi­la and avo­ca­dos?!”

Cohost Sara Haines com­plained about the price of eggs, which sky­rock­et­ed due to an out­break of bird flu before Trump even took office, and sug­gest­ed that this was some­how tied to Trump’s tar­iff threats.

“Why aren’t the price of eggs get­ting bet­ter? This was the oth­er part he promised which was tar­iffs,” she said, sug­gest­ing that the peo­ple mak­ing less than $50,000 who vot­ed for him ” in spades” were get­ting what they vot­ed for, and it was going to hurt them the most.


Whoopi Gold­berg round­ed out the dis­cus­sion by claim­ing that Amer­i­cans import­ed more than they export­ed because Amer­i­can prod­ucts were sub­par rather than because Amer­i­can labor laws have often made prod­ucts too expen­sive to com­pete.

“There’s a rea­son peo­ple don’t real­ly take a lot of our things that we export because the qual­i­ty of what we put out has not always been the best,” she said.