To win with­out war, State Depart­ment reform is nec­es­sary

When the Amer­i­can gov­ern­ment says it seeks improved rela­tions with a coun­try like Chi­na, it typ­i­cal­ly refers to its rela­tion­ship with the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­­ty-state and not the nation of Chi­na. This is because the U.S. State Depart­ment is biased toward rela­tions with gov­ern­ments and not peo­ple. And by the very form of our diplo­ma­cy, […]

Top House Armed Ser­vices Dem: We Got Briefed There Were Drone Sight­ings Over Arse­nal in New Jer­sey

On Friday’s broad­cast of NewsNation’s “Cuo­mo,” House Armed Ser­vices Com­mit­tee Rank­ing Mem­ber Rep. Adam Smith (D‑WA) stat­ed that, “there is absolute­ly no ques­tion, no dis­pute that there are drones fly­ing over and close to mil­i­tary instal­la­tions” and accord­ing to an unclas­si­fied brief­ing he got on Thurs­day, “there were a num­ber of drone sight­ings, and specif­i­cal­ly over […]

White House: ‘Makes Per­fect Sense’ for NJ to Tell Peo­ple to Call HAZMAT, Bomb Squad for Downed Drones

On Friday’s broad­cast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Sto­ry,” White House Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Advis­er John Kir­by stat­ed that advice from New Jer­sey for peo­ple to request a HAZMAT response and the bomb squad if they encounter a downed drone “makes per­fect sense to me” because with any air­craft, “You don’t know what it is […]

NJ May­or: State Told Us to Call Bomb Squad, Wear HAZMAT if Drone Is Downed, Like It’s an Attack

On Friday’s broad­cast of the Fox News Channel’s “Faulkn­er Focus,” Belleville, NJ, May­or Michael Mel­ham stat­ed that the state of New Jer­sey gave them guid­ance that day that if a drone is downed “we’re imme­di­ate­ly to call the bomb squad of our coun­ty, and, sec­ond, our fire depart­ment has been instruct­ed to make sure they wear […]

Dem Sen. Blu­men­thal: Feds Need to ‘Tell Us’ What They Know on Drones — ‘Mat­ter of Nation­al Secu­ri­ty’

Sen­a­tor Richard Blu­men­thal (D‑CT) said Wednes­day on CNN’s “Out­Front” that the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment needs to tell the pub­lic about the mys­te­ri­ous drones fly­ing over the East Coast. Blu­men­thal said, “I don’t know what’s going on and nei­ther do the agen­cies who have respon­si­bil­i­ty for it. And that’s why I’ve demand­ed answers from them. At the very […]

‘Defence is Not the Same as Drugs or Pornog­ra­phy’: NATO Push­back Against ‘ESG Debank­ing’ of Arms Com­pa­nies

The debank­ing of defence com­pa­nies sup­ply­ing West­ern mil­i­taries is becom­ing so severe fig­ures includ­ing the Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al of NATO have been com­pelled to appeal to the pub­lic to say they sup­port banks hav­ing invest­ments in weapons com­pa­nies. Defence firms should not be placed in the same cat­e­go­ry as ille­gal drugs or pornog­ra­phy as risky or […]

PBS Mourns Wray ‘Allowed’ Trump ‘To Shat­ter Yet Anoth­er Norm’

The cast of Friday’s PBS News Hour was dis­pleased with FBI Direc­tor Christo­pher Wray for resign­ing before Don­ald Trump could fire him because “he allowed Don­ald Trump to shat­ter yet anoth­er norm with­out impos­ing any cost.” Through­out the entire dis­cus­sion, there was no thought giv­en to the idea that there is some­thing about the FBI […]

South Kore­an Pres­i­dent Yoon impeached on third try

South Kore­an Pres­i­dent Yoon Suk Yeol has been impeached by the nation’s Nation­al Assem­bly on the third try after declar­ing mar­tial law in his coun­try. Pres­i­dent Yoon’s dec­la­ra­tion of mar­tial law, which he said was due to the oppo­si­tion par­a­lyz­ing the coun­try, rat­tled South Korea’s finan­cial mar­kets and caused pan­ic among the civil­ian pop­u­lace. WHAT […]

What out­go­ing tri­fec­tas and super­ma­jori­ties are try­ing to do before Jan­u­ary

In sev­er­al elec­tions last month, three state leg­is­la­tures saw tri­fec­tas or super­ma­jori­ties bro­ken. Before the new law­mak­ers are sworn in next year, some state leg­is­la­tures are work­ing to eek out a few more agen­da items in the lame-duck ses­sion. Here is what the state leg­is­la­tures in North Car­oli­na, Michi­gan, and Min­neso­ta are doing before their […]