Trump Bans Bio­log­i­cal Males from Women’s Sports

Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump signed an exec­u­tive order Wednes­day ban­ning bio­log­i­cal males from com­pet­ing in women’s sports regard­less of what gen­der they iden­ti­fy with. The order declares it U.S. pol­i­cy to rescind fund­ing from edu­ca­tion­al pro­grams “that deprive women and girls of fair ath­let­ic oppor­tu­ni­ties, which results in the endan­ger­ment, humil­i­a­tion, and silenc­ing of women and […]

What Was That?

For­eign Affairs What Was That? Mar­ket­ing con­sid­er­a­tions like­ly moti­vat­ed Pres­i­dent Trump’s state­ment that Wash­ing­ton “will take over the Gaza strip.”  Cred­it: image via Shut­ter­stock Among those who have known and worked with him, Don­ald Trump is said to be an almost com­pul­sive racon­teur. His pen­chant for off-the-cuff pro­nounce­ments and, at times, off-col­or sto­ries, which have […]

Ter­ri­to­r­i­al Expansion—and Its Naysayers—Are as Old as Amer­i­ca

Pol­i­tics Ter­ri­to­r­i­al Expansion—and Its Naysayers—Are as Old as Amer­i­ca Nor every­one has been onboard with expand­ing Amer­i­can bor­ders. The last time the Unit­ed States expand­ed its territory—gaining the North­ern Mar­i­anas and some oth­er Pacif­ic islands—President Don­ald Trump was just a year old. The fact that so much time has passed makes it easy for crit­ics […]

Let South Korea Build the Bomb

South Korea is pop­u­lous and pros­per­ous, ahead of the North on almost every mea­sure of nation­al pow­er, oth­er than pos­ses­sion of nuclear weapons. Yet despite enjoy­ing 50-plus times the eco­nom­ic strength and twice the pop­u­la­tion of its north­ern antag­o­nist, the Repub­lic of Korea remains depen­dent on the Unit­ed States for its secu­ri­ty. How­ev­er, Washington’s pol­i­cy […]

Pam Bon­di Sworn in as Attor­ney Gen­er­al

Pam Bon­di was sworn in as U.S. attor­ney gen­er­al Wednes­day in the Oval Office.  Bon­di was con­firmed by the Sen­ate on Tues­day in a 54–46 vote, with Demo­c­ra­t­ic Sen­a­tor John Fet­ter­man of Penn­syl­va­nia join­ing Repub­li­cans in sup­port. She is the third woman to hold the posi­tion. “I will make you proud and I will make […]

Trump Restores “Max­i­mum Pres­sure” on Iran

Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump on Tues­day reim­posed a “max­i­mum pres­sure” cam­paign against Iran. The move brings back the tough-on-Tehran pol­i­cy that Trump enact­ed in his first term. As Trump signed the pres­i­den­tial mem­o­ran­dum that restores the pol­i­cy, he told reporters that he was torn on whether to issue it. “We don’t want to be tough on […]

Not My MAG­A­za

Pres­i­dent Trump sound­ed like the GOP of old. Dur­ing a joint press con­fer­ence with Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu on Tues­day evening in Wash­ing­ton D.C., the 47th pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States announced plans for Gaza to essen­tial­ly become a U.S. pro­tec­torate. In Trump’s own words, the U.S. “will take over the Gaza Strip” and […]

DEI Seems to Be Cooked for Good

Race DEI Seems to Be Cooked for Good The lat­est wave of racial utopi­anism failed on its own terms. (Shawn Thew-Pool/Get­­ty Images) There has been no front on which Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump has been more active or aggres­sive than in rolling back DEI—diversity, equi­ty, and inclusion—initiatives through­out the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment since return­ing to office. He […]

To Tar­iff, or Not to Tar­iff?

To tar­iff, or not to tar­iff, that is the ques­tion to which Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump has, in recent days, giv­en dif­fer­ent answers. On Mon­day, hours before tar­iffs on Cana­di­an and Mex­i­can imports were sched­uled to take effect, Trump paused them for 30 days. The next day, yet anoth­er tar­iff, this one on goods from Chi­na, […]

The People’s Choice: Why DOGE Needs Ron Paul

Pol­i­tics The People’s Choice: Why DOGE Needs Ron Paul The depar­ture of Vivek Ramaswamy at DOGE is a per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to deal in libertarianism’s emi­nence gris. Cred­it: image via Shut­ter­stock The Depart­ment of Gov­ern­ment Effi­cien­cy (DOGE), a brain­child of our new­ly inau­gu­rat­ed Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump and Elon Musk, stands as a bea­con of hope for […]