Hunter Biden DC law license sus­pend­ed after guilty ver­dict

Hunter Biden’s license to prac­tice law in the Dis­trict of Colum­bia has been sus­pend­ed fol­low­ing his recent con­vic­tion in his fed­er­al gun case. Biden is now “sus­pend­ed imme­di­ate­ly from the prac­tice of law” in Wash­ing­ton, D.C., as he was involved with “seri­ous crimes,” accord­ing to Dis­trict of Colum­bia Bar rules. There will be a pro­ceed­ing […]

After Guilty Ver­dict, CNN Trots Out Hunter Biden’s…Spiritual Advi­sor ?

The Hunter Biden fed­er­al gun tri­al has con­clud­ed with a guilty ver­dict and has now shift­ed to the sen­tenc­ing phase. The Regime Media is mak­ing sure to lay down nar­ra­tive ground­work ahead of the sen­tenc­ing hear­ing. To that end, CNN has found Hunter’s “spir­i­tu­al advi­sor”. Watch as Phillip leads the Rev­erend Doc­tor Christo­pher Bul­lock into […]

House GOP lead­ers demand CIA brief­ing over alle­ga­tions of inter­fer­ence in inves­ti­ga­tions into Biden fam­i­ly

House Judi­cia­ry and Over­sight Com­mit­tee chair­men Rep. Jim Jor­dan (R‑OH) and Rep. James Com­er (R‑KY) sent a let­ter to Cen­tral Intel­li­gence Agency Direc­tor William Burns call­ing for a brief­ing over alle­ga­tions that the CIA inter­fered in fed­er­al inves­ti­ga­tions relat­ed to Hunter and Joe Biden. As part of their impeach­ment inquiry pro­ced­ings, on March 21, 2024, […]