Joe Scar­bor­ough: You Lie! Hamas Will ‘Nev­er Ever’ Regain Pow­er in Gaza, So Skip Rafah

<div>Joe Scarborough: You Lie! Hamas Will 'Never Ever' Regain Power in Gaza, So Skip Rafah</div>

Joe Scar­bor­ough: not just a TV talk­ing head any­more. Now, per­haps the world’s great­est mil­i­tary strate­gist and ora­cle. 
On today’s Morn­ing Joe, “Gen­er­al” Joe repeat­ed­ly called it a “lie” that Israel needs to con­duct a ground inva­sion of Rafah. Why?

“Because that’s the lie right now that you hear. Oh, if they don’t go in and kill anoth­er 10,000 civil­ians, Hamas is going to come back to pow­er. It is a lie. Hamas will nev­er regain pow­er in Gaza, ever. That’s over.”

How many Israeli lives is Scar­bor­ough …