Israeli pres­i­dent pro­claims ‘absolute major­i­ty sup­ports a hostage deal’ as talks con­tin­ue


Hamas clears way for pos­si­ble cease­fire in Gaza after drop­ping key demand


Embat­tled left-wing char­i­ty sub­sidiary to teach ter­ror­ism book in New York


Bible lessons, &c.


New York Times White­wash­es Vio­lent LA Syn­a­gogue Attack by Pro-Hamas Thugs


Iran warns that ‘all options are on the table’ if Israel launch­es offen­sives against Lebanon


Wow: NBC Admits Over 50 Ille­gal Aliens Roam­ing U.S. Could Have Ties to ISIS


Fet­ter­man thanked for ‘coura­geous’ sup­port for Israel by Netanyahu


Regime Media Per­form A Pre-Debate Port Biden News Dump