AOC high­lights effort to ‘win’ against ‘bar­barism’ caused by ‘the estab­lish­ment’


Chris Van Hollen blasts Hillary Clinton’s com­ments about anti-Israel pro­test­ers as ‘dis­mis­sive’


Adam Smith calls it ‘ridicu­lous’ to think cam­pus protests have influ­ence on Biden


Mur­phy says US has ‘no oblig­a­tion to write a blank check’ to Israel


Lind­sey Gra­ham slams Bernie Sanders call for total cut in US aid to Israel: ‘Irre­spon­si­ble state­ment’


Ter­ror­ist watch list appre­hen­sions at north­ern bor­der con­tin­ue to break records