Army reservist tes­ti­fies he warned about gun­man before mass shoot­ing in Maine


Chaos breaks out on Ten­nessee House floor after law­mak­ers pass con­tro­ver­sial teacher gun bill


Biden reit­er­ates call for assault weapons ban on 25th anniver­sary of Columbine


Hun­dreds of gun own­ers ral­ly at Illi­nois State­house


Maine law­mak­ers rein­force ‘yel­low flag’ law and expand back­ground checks six months after mass shoot­ing


Patrick Mahomes encour­ages vot­ers to ‘do the research’ over giv­ing his endorse­ment


Swifties ques­tion Travis Kelce lik­ing pro-Trump Insta­gram post


Col­orado House clamps down on ‘assault weapons’ sales, bill heads to Sen­ate


7‑year-old dead in Chica­go mass shoot­ing, oth­er chil­dren injured


Trump wields endorse­ment to try and remove one of two pro-impeach­ment Repub­li­cans left in the House