North Kore­an troops now fight­ing for Rus­sia in Ukraine, Seoul says

North Korea is now send­ing troops to fight and die in Ukraine along­side Russ­ian sol­diers, accord­ing to Seoul’s defense min­is­ter, Kim Yong-hyun. Kim told South Kore­an politi­cians on Tues­day it was “high­ly like­ly” six North Kore­an offi­cers were killed in a Ukrain­ian mis­sile strike on Donet­sk last week.  “We assess that the occur­rence of casu­al­ties among […]

Trump Raised Alarm Over Bor­der Secu­ri­ty One Day Before Alleged Afghan Ter­ror­ist Entered U.S.

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump ques­tioned whether ter­ror­ists were using the U.S. south­ern bor­der to enter the coun­try ille­gal­ly one day before an alleged Afghan ter­ror­ist entered the U.S. Nasir Ahmad Tawhe­di, 27, has been charged with “pro­vid­ing, attempt­ing to pro­vide, and con­spir­a­cy to pro­vide mate­r­i­al sup­port and resources to a des­ig­nat­ed for­eign ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion” and […]

‘A Gift By The Jew­ish State To Human­i­ty’: Poilievre Endors­es Israel Strik­ing Iran’s Nuclear Sites

Pierre Poilievre, the leader of the Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty of Cana­da and the like­ly can­di­date to replace left­ist Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau, pulled no punch­es in his answer when asked if he endorsed Israel hit­ting Iran’s nuclear sites in response to Iran’s recent bal­lis­tic mis­sile attack on Israel. A reporter asked Poilievre, “Yes­ter­day you said that […]

Kamala-Backed Dock­work­ers Union Once Walked Off Job To Protest Diver­si­ty Hir­ing

The Inter­na­tion­al Longshoremen’s Union (ILA), which threat­ened to “crip­ple” the coun­try with a strike last month before gain­ing the Biden-Har­ris administration’s sup­port, once walked off the job to protest diver­si­ty hir­ing require­ments. Local 1 — the most cov­et­ed ILA sub­sidiary in the New York area, which rep­re­sents well-paid “check­ers,” — is 85% white. Near­ly all […]

Even CNN Pan­el Agrees Kamala Made Big Mis­take Attack­ing DeSan­tis

CNN con­trib­u­tor Scott Jen­nings received lit­tle push­back and some agree­ment when he took Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris to task for politi­ciz­ing Hur­ri­cane Mil­ton with her attack on Flori­da Repub­li­can Gov­er­nor Ron DeSan­tis. Har­ris this week called DeSan­tis “self­ish” for alleged­ly not return­ing her call about the com­ing hur­ri­cane, though, notably, DeSan­tis says he didn’t know […]

Swing state GOP chair slams Biden-Har­ris admin for being out of touch on key issue: ‘Aban­doned this coun­try’

PHOENIX – Ari­zona GOP Chair­woman Gina Swo­bo­da told Fox News Dig­i­tal she was not impressed with Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris’ recent trip to the bor­der, which she called a “pho­to op,” while explain­ing her belief the Biden-Har­ris admin­is­tra­tion has failed the Amer­i­can peo­ple at the bor­der. “I think Pres­i­dent Biden aban­doned this coun­try and I think […]

Over 5,700 chil­dren in 5‑year peri­od had gen­der surg­eries, most from 5 lib­er­al states: watch­dog

In a five-year span, thou­sands of minors had gen­der reas­sign­ment surg­eries, puber­ty block­ers or hor­mone treat­ments at a num­ber of chil­dren’s hos­pi­tals and med­ical facil­i­ties across the coun­try, a med­ical watch­dog is report­ing via their new nation­al data­base. Do No Harm, a nation­al advo­ca­cy group of med­ical pro­fes­sion­als against “woke” hos­pi­tal agen­das, shared the data­base, […]

Vir­ginia vot­er roll removal process vio­lates fed­er­al law, groups allege — state fires back

A law­suit lodged against Vir­ginia attor­ney gen­er­al Jason Miyares and var­i­ous state elec­tions offi­cials alleges that an effort to elim­i­nate nonci­t­i­zens from vot­er reg­is­tra­tion rolls runs afoul of fed­er­al law. The suit refers to the vot­er roll main­te­nance effort as a “Purge Pro­gram” and asserts that it vio­lates the Nation­al Vot­er Reg­is­tra­tion Act. Plain­tiffs include […]

Elec­tion board in cru­cial swing state sued over dis­pute on who will mon­i­tor elec­tion results

Ful­ton Coun­ty, Geor­gia, sued the Geor­gia State Elec­tions Board this week in what was the lat­est devel­op­ment in an unfold­ing bat­tle between the two enti­ties over how to mon­i­tor and ensure elec­tion integri­ty in Novem­ber. The coun­ty board filed the law­suit on Mon­day, The Asso­ci­at­ed Press report­ed, ask­ing a judge to declare that the state […]

Tim Walz Calls For The Elec­toral Col­lege To Be Abol­ished: ‘We Need A Nation­al Pop­u­lar Vote’

Demo­c­ra­t­ic Vice Pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Tim Walz said on Tues­day that the “Elec­toral Col­lege needs to go,” forc­ing the Kamala Har­ris cam­paign to release a state­ment say­ing it does not sup­port abol­ish­ing the Con­sti­tu­tion­al mech­a­nism for pres­i­den­tial elec­tions. At two cam­paign fundrais­ers on the West Coast, Walz called for abol­ish­ing the Elec­toral Col­lege, argu­ing that it […]