Joy Behar: The Gift That Keeps On Giv­ing

What would we do with­out Joy Behar and Whoopi Gold­berg? They’re the two most unin­ten­tion­al­ly fun­ny celebri­ties in the coun­try!

Jill Biden Lashes Out At Reporters, Refuses To Answer Questions

Jill Biden Lash­es Out At Reporters, Refus­es To Answer Ques­tions

First lady Jill Biden lashed out at reporters this week who asked her ques­tions about the fall­out from her husband’s dis­as­trous debate per­for­mance late last month against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump. The inci­dent hap­pened as she was leav­ing a cof­fee shop and a reporter near her motor­cade asked her about Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s future. “Dr. […]

Prominent French Jews Urge Fellow Jews To Leave Following Left Dominating Elections

Promi­nent French Jews Urge Fel­low Jews To Leave Fol­low­ing Left Dom­i­nat­ing Elec­tions

After elec­tions in France in which cen­trist and left­ist par­ties unit­ed to oppose Marine Le Pen’s right wing par­ty, result­ing in the New Pop­u­lar Front, whose coali­tion includes the anti-Semi­t­ic France Unbowed far-left par­ty, win­ning the high­est share of the vote, promi­nent French Jews urged Jews in France to leave. France Unbowed party’s leader Jean-Luc […]