Terror Groups Evacuate Their Positions After Biden Admin Tips Them Off To Their Plans

Ter­ror Groups Evac­u­ate Their Posi­tions After Biden Admin Tips Them Off To Their Plans

The Iran­ian-backed ter­ror­ists respon­si­ble for mur­der­ing three U.S. sol­diers, and injur­ing dozens more, in an attack over the week­end have start­ed to evac­u­ate their bases after Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s admin­is­tra­tion leaked to the media this week that they are gear­ing up to respond by car­ry­ing out a sus­tained bomb­ing cam­paign. The news comes after NBC […]

Trump’s next legal challenge could be about his Chicago skyscraper

Trump’s next legal chal­lenge could be about his Chica­go sky­scraper

An eight-fig­ure loan involv­ing for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, a finan­cial firm, and his Chica­go sky­scraper may lead to his next legal chal­lenge after a court-appoint­ed mon­i­tor point­ed out that the loan may be fake, and legal experts believe it could be a form of tax eva­sion. Last week, dur­ing Trump’s civ­il fraud tri­al, retired judge […]

Trump Admin Official Shot In DC, In Critical Condition After Carjacking Rampage

Trump Admin Offi­cial Shot In DC, In Crit­i­cal Con­di­tion After Car­jack­ing Ram­page

An accom­plished Repub­li­can pro­fes­sion­al who served as chief oper­at­ing offi­cer of the Com­mod­i­ty Futures Trad­ing Com­mis­sion (CFTC) dur­ing the Don­ald Trump admin­is­tra­tion was among those shot in a vicious car­jack­ing spree in Wash­ing­ton, D.C., on Mon­day night, one that end­ed in police killing the per­pe­tra­tor in Mary­land ear­ly Tues­day morn­ing. Mike Gill is in a […]