NBC His­to­ri­an Takes Media’s ‘Blood­bath’ Insan­i­ty To A Whole New Lev­el

NBC Historian Takes Media’s ‘Bloodbath’ Insanity To A Whole New Level

NBC News pres­i­den­tial his­to­ri­an Michael Beschloss took the media furor over for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s “blood­bath” com­ments to new heights dur­ing a Mon­day appear­ance on MSNBC’s “Morn­ing Joe.”
Dur­ing an Ohio cam­paign ral­ly over the week­end, Trump pre­dict­ed a “blood­bath” if he does not win reelec­tion in 2024, and media out­lets fell all over them­selves try­ing to make it look as though he was pre­dict­ing polit­i­cal­ly moti­vat­ed vio­lence and a lit­er­al blood­bath. They left out impor­tant con­text, how­ev­er — name­ly tha …