Putin alleges gun­men in Moscow attack were en route for Ukraine

Putin alleges gunmen in Moscow attack were en route for Ukraine

Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin has claimed the gun­men involved in killing 115 peo­ple at a Moscow con­cert were on their way to Ukraine fol­low­ing their attack.
Putin respond­ed to the mass shoot­ing Sat­ur­day after four peo­ple dressed in cam­ou­flage entered the con­cert hall and unloaded their auto­mat­ic weapons into the crowd. The gun­men, along with an addi­tion­al sev­en oth­ers, were cap­tured at the scene.

In this pho­to released by Russ­ian Emer­gency Min­istry Press Ser­vice on Sat­ur­day, March 23, 2024, fire­fight­ers work in the burned con­cert hall after an attack on the build­ing of the Cro­cus City Hall on the west­ern edge of Moscow, Rus­sia. Russia’s top state inves­tiga­tive agency says the death toll in the Moscow con­cert hall attack has risen to over 130. The attack Fri­day on Cro­cus City Hall, a sprawl­ing mall and conc …