Actor Michael Rapa­port Sig­nals Shift On Trump After Years Of Fer­vent Oppo­si­tion: ‘My Polit­i­cal Views Have Changed’

Actor Michael Rapaport Signals Shift On Trump After Years Of Fervent Opposition: ‘My Political Views Have Changed’

Actor Michael Rapa­port said in an inter­view this week that he is con­sid­er­ing vot­ing for for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump in the upcom­ing pres­i­den­tial elec­tion.
The remarks from Rapa­port come after he fer­vent­ly opposed the for­mer pres­i­dent dur­ing his time in office and rou­tine­ly launched vile attacks against Trump and the Trump fam­i­ly.
“My polit­i­cal views have changed immense­ly,” Rapa­port said. “I will not vote for Joe Biden. At this point when we’re doing this inter­view, vot­ing for Trump is on the table. Peo­ple are like, ‘What are you talk­ing about?’ That’s my real­i­ty. I will not sup­port any­body who’s anti-Israel. I will not sup­port any­body that is anti-mak­ing Amer­i­ca safe.”
He said that he will not sup­port any­one who sup­ports Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s open bor­der poli­cies.
“I’m not down with that shit,” he said. “I’m not down with police offi­cers in the great­est city on earth get­ting beat­en up. You’re an ille­gal immi­gr …