Buttigieg dis­miss­es idea he would run for ‘demand­ing’ POTUS office again

Buttigieg dismisses idea he would run for ‘demanding’ POTUS office again

Trans­porta­tion Sec­re­tary Pete Buttigieg said he sees now how “demand­ing” the job of the Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States is and dis­missed a future run.
Buttigieg ran against Pres­i­dent Joe Biden for the Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­na­tion in 2020. Pre­vi­ous­ly, he had only held the posi­tion of May­or of South Bend, Indi­ana. As a sec­re­tary on Biden’s Cab­i­net, he claimed he has gained a “new per­spec­tive” dur­ing an inter­view on Face the Nation on Sun­day.
“Well, I cer­tain­ly have a new per­spec­tive on just how demand­ing that job is, watch­ing Pres­i­dent Biden deal with so many con­cerns, chal­lenges, and oppor­tu­ni­ties for this coun­try. I am pro …