Leg­is­la­tion would require third back­ground check, manda­to­ry train­ing for gun pur­chas­es

(The Cen­ter Square) – Despite Illi­nois hav­ing near­ly four mil­lion back­ground checks done on gun own­ing res­i­dents in 2023, Illi­noisans who want to buy a firearm would have to under­go state-approved train­ing and three back­ground checks if a pro­posed bill makes it across the fin­ish line.
A Sec­ond Amend­ment advo­cate says this lat­est gun-restric­tion bill is a tac­tic to keep firearms out of law-abid­ing cit­i­zens’ hands.
House Bill 3239, spon­sored by state Rep. Mau­ra Hirschauer, D‑Batavia, would oblig­ate Illi­noisans who want to buy a firearm to go through eight hours of train­ing and oth­er require­ments. The bill is in the House Judi­cia­ry Crim­i­nal Com­mit­tee, wh …