‘Why Not?’: ‘Star Wars’ Actor Bil­ly Dee Williams Says Actors Should Be Able To Wear Black­face

‘Why Not?’: ‘Star Wars’ Actor Billy Dee Williams Says Actors Should Be Able To Wear Blackface

“Star Wars” actor Bil­ly Dee Williams said he sees no rea­son why actors can’t wear black­face and said they should be able to do “any­thing” they thought was nec­es­sary for any giv­en role.
Dur­ing the 87-year-old actor’s recent appear­ance on the “Club Ran­dom with Bill Maher” pod­cast, the two were dis­cussing how times have changed after Williams praised Lau­rence Olivier’s per­for­mance in the 1965 movie “Oth­el­lo” — in which the star wore black­face, the Hol­ly­wood Reporter report­ed.
“When he did ‘Oth­el­lo,’ I fell out laugh­ing,” Williams said. “He stuck his a** out and walked around … because Black peo­ple are sup­posed to have big a**es. I thought it was hys­ter­i­cal. I loved it.”
Maher replied, “I agree. But today, they would nev­er let you do that.”
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Williams asked, “Why?” and Maher replied, “Black­face?”
“Why not? You should do it,” Williams added. “If you’re an actor, you should do any­thing you want to do.”
When the …