Navar­ro Defends Menen­dez, Blames Wife, Argues ‘Cost­co Sells Gold Bars’

Navarro Defends Menendez, Blames Wife, Argues ‘Costco Sells Gold Bars’

Faux-con­ser­v­a­tive ABC News co-host Ana Navar­ro was back to defend­ing her close friend Demo­c­ra­t­ic Sen­a­tor Bob Menen­dez (NJ) from cred­i­ble alle­ga­tions of cor­rup­tion on Friday’s edi­tion of The View. Despite insist­ing she doesn’t “excuse him,” she was quite busy blam­ing Menendez’s wife for get­ting him into the sit­u­a­tion that he was in, and seem­ing­ly tried to sug­gest he might have bought the gold bars hid­den in his suit pock­ets at Cost­co. She also praised Demo­c­ra­t­ic sen­a­tors for not forc­ing him out of office.
At least Navar­ro start­ed off by acknowl­edg­ing she was not going to be oper­at­ing with hon­esty and good faith on the issue. “And look, and every time we talk about this I always want to start by say­ing, I think I’m biased. I try to be objec­tive but I’ve known Bob Menen­dez for almost 30 years. I’ve worked with him on count­less issues, Cuba, Nicaragua, immi …