Week­ly Report Card: Biden lead­er­ship gap in Iran-Israel clash

Weekly Report Card: Biden leadership gap in Iran-Israel clash

This week’s White House Report Card finds Pres­i­dent Joe Biden slapped with a pair of “Ds” by our graders who high­light­ed how inef­fec­tive he has been on the cri­sis in the Mid­dle East.
Biden told both Iran and Israel not to attack, and both did, mak­ing U.S. lead­er­ship look point­less.
It was also a week when the list of Bidenisms grew, notably when he gath­ered mem­bers of the Kennedy clan to help him fend off a weak reelec­tion threat from inde­pen­dent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The pres­i­dent said, “Are you ready to choose free­dom over democ­ra­cy? Because that’s Amer­i­ca.”

Biden, for the third time in less than 24 hours, tells the dubi­ous sto­ry about his “Uncle Bosey” and “a lot of can­ni­bals” in New Guinea before repeat­ing the …