Gavin New­som Warns Jen Psa­ki To Slow Her Roll, Not Give Trump So Much Air­time

Gavin Newsom Warns Jen Psaki To Slow Her Roll, Not Give Trump So Much Airtime

Gov­er­nor Gavin New­som (D‑CA) pushed back on for­mer White House Press Sec­re­tary Jen Psa­ki dur­ing a Sun­day inter­view, effec­tive­ly warn­ing her to stop giv­ing so much air­time and atten­tion to for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
Newsom’s inter­view took up the major­i­ty if Psaki’s MSNBC show — “Inside With Jen Psa­ki” — and while they spent a fair amount of that time com­plain­ing about Alaba­ma and oth­er states where Repub­li­cans have imple­ment­ed restric­tions and bans on abor­tions, Psa­ki made sure to take a few min­utes to attack Trump. But when she prod­ded New­som to join her in the attack, he quick­ly applied the brakes.

.@GavinNewsom: “When we’re …