NYT’s Annie Karni Pouts Over Speak­er John­son Doing ‘What Pass­es for Brave in Today’s GOP’

NYT’s Annie Karni Pouts Over Speaker Johnson Doing ‘What Passes for Brave in Today’s GOP’

Con­gres­sion­al cor­re­spon­dent Annie Karni got snarky against Repub­li­cans (and, per­haps, some of her fel­low reporters?) in Sunday’s New York Times, after House Speak­er Mike John­son received some back­hand­ed praise from some quar­ters of the media/Democratic alliance for push­ing a mil­i­tary aid bill for Ukraine through: “Mike John­son, Like Pence, Does What Pass­es for Brave in Today’s GOP: His Job.”

The acco­lades direct­ed at Speak­er Mike John­son in recent days for final­ly defy­ing the right wing of his par­ty and allow­ing an aid bill for Ukraine to move through the House might have seemed a tad exces­sive.
After all, a speaker’s entire job is to move leg­is­la­tion through the House, and as Saturday’s vote to pass the bill demon­strat­ed, the Ukraine mea­sure had over­whelm­ing sup­port. But Mr. Johnson’s feat was not so dif­fer­ent from that of anoth­er embat­tled Repub­li­can who faced a dif­fi­cult choice under immense pres­sure from hard-right Repub­li­cans and was salut­ed as a hero for sim­ply doing his job: for …