Ari­zona House Pass­es Bill To Repeal 1864 Abor­tion Law

Arizona House Passes Bill To Repeal 1864 Abortion Law

The Ari­zona state House vot­ed on Wednes­day to repeal the 160-year-old abor­tion ban that is slat­ed to go into effect after the state’s Supreme Court upheld the law that pro­tects unborn babies from near­ly all abor­tions.
Three Repub­li­cans — Reps. Matt Gress, Justin Wil­meth, and Tim Dunn — joined with 29 Democ­rats to advance the leg­is­la­tion in a 32–28 vote, AZ Cen­tral report­ed. Repub­li­can Rep. Bar­bara Park­er pas­sion­ate­ly argued for her col­leagues to vote against the repeal, say­ing that while crit­ics of the law call it “archa­ic,” repeal­ing it would send the state back in time and does not val­ue the life of unborn chil­dren.
“I can hear their silent screams and with my voice, I vote no,” Park­er said.
After the re …