MSNBC’s Joy Reid Calls Scott, Don­alds Sell­outs, Cheers Par­ti­san NYC Pros­e­cu­tion of Don­ald Trump

MSNBC’s post-guilty ver­dict cov­er­age of the Trump busi­ness records tri­al in New York is pro­ceed­ing exact­ly as one might expect it would: with an exu­ber­ance that often peeks out from under a veneer of seri­ous­ness and grav­i­ty. At least for most of their hosts.
Joy Reid, on the oth­er hand, chose tonight to go full Joy Reid. Over the course of a sin­gle rant, Reid sug­gests that two Black Mem­bers of Con­gress sold out for being crit­i­cal o …

Red State Roundup