Lon­don Breed pro­pos­es mil­lions more for police in bud­get pro­pos­al

London Breed proposes millions more for police in budget proposal

San Fran­cis­co May­or Lon­don Breed intro­duced a bud­get pro­pos­al on Thurs­day that makes good on a cam­paign promise to increase police staffing despite fac­ing a near­ly $800 mil­lion two-year bud­get deficit. 
Breed, who is fac­ing a tough reelec­tion in Novem­ber, has pitched a $46.7 mil­lion increase to the police department’s bud­get, bring­ing it to an all-time record high of $821.6 mil­lion. Her plan requires the approval of the Board of Super­vi­sors, which won’t be easy since some of the more pro­gres­sive mem­bers have vot­ed against increas­es for police spend­ing in the past. 

From left, San Fran­cis­co Board of Super­vi­sors Pres­i­dent Aaron Peskin, May­or Lon­don Breed, and Speak­er Emeri­ta Nan­cy Pelosi (D‑CA) walk to a news con­fer­ence in San Fran­cis­co, Fri­day, Jan. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Eric Ris­berg)

The San Fran­cis­co Police Depart­ment is about 500 offi­cers short of the lev­el rec­om­mend­ed by an inde­pen­dent staffing analy­sis. 
Breed wants to fund four police acad­e­my class­es of 50 recruits each over the next year, dou­bling the 25-per­son class­es of the past. She’s pledged to spend even more if SFPD recruit­ment exceeds those lev­els. Her police-friend­ly bud­get also includes $3.7 mil­lion in new tech­nol­o­gy for the depart­ment.
“We have made real progress on pub­lic safe­ty in San Fran­cis­co,” Breed said in a state­ment out­lin­ing her pro­pos­al. “One …