News­Busters Pod­cast: LOL! Media Claim ‘No Evi­dence’ the Trump Tri­al Was Par­ti­san

<div>NewsBusters Podcast: LOL! Media Claim 'No Evidence' the Trump Trial Was Partisan</div>

Reporters might admit the Trump con­vic­tions are a “polit­i­cal gift” for the Democ­rats, but they still claim there’s “no evi­dence” the pros­e­cu­tion was polit­i­cal — and espe­cial­ly, that any­one could claim Biden and his admin­is­tra­tion were behind it. The net­works strong­ly sup­pressed the painful­ly obvi­ous notion that Democ­rats are pros­e­cut­ing Trump to dam­age his re-elec­tion chances.
In a piece puff­ing up Man­hat­tan DA Alvin Bragg, Wash­ing­ton Post reporter Shay­na Jacobs wrote: “Some thought the case was weak. Oth­ers — name …

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