Israeli divest­ment ban pro­posed in Penn­syl­va­nia

Israeli divestment ban proposed in Pennsylvania

(The Cen­ter Square) – Law­mak­ers on both sides of the aisle want to pro­tect the state’s Israeli finan­cial hold­ings despite mount­ing pub­lic pres­sure to cut ties amid the ongo­ing war with Hamas.
Sens. Steve San­tar­siero, D‑Doylestown, and Kristin Phillips-Hill, R‑Jacobus, said they’ll soon intro­duce leg­is­la­tion to “uphold Pennsylvania’s stead­fast sup­port for Israel” by ban­ning from state Trea­sury or pen­sion funds from divest­ing from the nation and com­pa­nies that do busi …