WATCH LIVE: Biden speaks at gun con­trol event hours after Hunter’s guilty ver­dict in gun case

WATCH LIVE: Biden speaks at gun control event hours after Hunter’s guilty verdict in gun case

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden is deliv­er­ing remarks about gun con­trol dur­ing an event at Everytown’s Gun Sense Uni­ver­si­ty as the White House pro­motes its expan­sion of fed­er­al gun con­trol restric­tions. 
The president’s remarks will come hours after his son Hunter was found guilty on all three charges relat­ing to his lying on a form to pur­chase a firearm while he was using drugs.

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden speaks about the lat­est round of mass shoot­ings, from the East Room of the White House in Wash­ing­ton, Thurs­day, June 2, 2022. (AP Photo/Evan Vuc­ci)

At the Atlanta sum­mit, Biden is tout­ing bipar­ti­san gun con­trol leg­is­la­tion he signed into law fol­low­ing the mass school shoot­ing in Uvalde, Texas, in 2022. Crit­ics have said the law did lit­tle to end crime because in the year fol­low­ing the bill’s pas­sage, there was an increase in mass shoot­ings. The pres­i­dent is also high­light­ing the Jus­tice Department’s actions to charge more than 500 defen­dants for vio­lat­ing gun con­trol pro­vi­sions. In addi­tion, Biden is cel­e­brat­ing his work to cre­ate the new Office of Gun Vio­lence Pre­ven­tion.  
The pres­i­dent is sched­uled to appear at 1:30 p.m.