Wow: NBC Admits Over 50 Ille­gal Aliens Roam­ing U.S. Could Have Ties to ISIS

Giv­ing cred­it where cred­it was due, Tuesday’s NBC Night­ly News had a full report shar­ing dis­turb­ing news on the wide open U.S.-Mexico bor­der where over 50 ille­gal immi­grants released into the U.S. have pos­si­ble ties to ISIS and a smug­gling scheme. In oth­er words, more than 50 ter­ror­ists could be roam­ing the U.S. as they please, cour­tesy of the Biden bor­der cri­sis.
“NBC News Inves­ti­gates the search for more than 50 migrants with pos­si­bl …