Ashamed of the USA?! Media’s 20 Worst Anti-Amer­i­can Out­bursts

Ashamed of the USA?! Media’s 20 Worst Anti-American Outbursts

The vast major­i­ty of Amer­i­cans are spend­ing this Inde­pen­dence Day week­end tak­ing pride in their coun­try as they cel­e­brate the free­doms estab­lished by the Found­ing Fathers.
How­ev­er, there are some jour­nal­ists who are embar­rassed by the USA. Some of them even seem to take pride in actu­al­ly sham­ing the coun­try.    
Over the years, the Media Research Cen­ter has caught jour­nal­ists ridi­cul­ing and derid­ing Amer­i­ca. The fol­low­ing is a count­down of the Media’s 20 Worst Anti-Amer­i­can Out­bursts (as culled from the MRC’s archives):

20. Amer­i­cans Who Live on “Stolen Land” Should Stop Grip­ing About Crime Epi­dem­ic
“Amer­i­ca is a sticky-fin­gered nation built on stolen land, and its cur­rent moral pan­ic is about shopliftin …