Black Democ­rats ral­ly behind Biden and talk up Har­ris at Essence Fes­ti­val

Black Democrats rally behind Biden and talk up Harris at Essence Festival

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — As Pres­i­dent Joe Biden tries to revive his embat­tled reelec­tion bid, Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris led a parade of Black Democ­rats who warned Sat­ur­day that the threat of anoth­er Don­ald Trump pres­i­den­cy remains the most impor­tant cal­cu­la­tion ahead of Novem­ber.
Yet in more than 20 min­utes on stage at the Essence Fes­ti­val of Cul­ture, Har­ris did not acknowl­edge Biden’s dis­mal debate per­for­mance or calls for the 81-year-old pres­i­dent to end his reelec­tion bid. In fact, she bare­ly men­tioned Biden at all – a stark con­trast to the Con­gres­sion­al Black Cau­cus mem­bers who force­ful­ly and repeat­ed­ly defend­ed the pres­i­dent by name.
“This is prob­a­bly the most sig­nif­i­cant elec­tion of our life­time,” Har­ris said, before riff­ing on Trump mus­ing about being a dic­ta­tor, push­ing …