Democ­rats call­ing for Biden to step aside are ‘scared’ of Trump: Jas­mine Crock­ett

Democrats calling for Biden to step aside are ‘scared’ of Trump: Jasmine Crockett

Rep. Jas­mine Crock­ett (D‑TX) said Sat­ur­day that even though Democ­rats are not falling in line behind Pres­i­dent Joe Biden, one thing unites the par­ty: fear of a sec­ond Trump admin­is­tra­tion.
Crock­ett, who rep­re­sents parts of Dal­las, appeared on MSNBC’s The Katie Phang Show to dis­cuss the president’s one-on-one inter­view with ABC’s George Stephanopou­los that aired Fri­day. Host Katie Phang pref­aced her con­ver­sa­tion with the con­gress­woman with clips from the night before that fea­tured a cou­ple of pro­longed paus­es from Biden.
While five House Democ­rats have called on Biden to with­draw from the race, Crock­ett defend­ed him, argu­ing that vot­ers have spo­ken through the var­i­ous Demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­den­tial pri­maries so far this year.
“The tick­et at this point in time is Biden and [Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala] Har­ris, and so long as the pres­i­dent says that he can do this job, then that is our tick­et,” Crock­ett said. “We have a demo­c­ra­t­ic process, we went through the pri­ma­ry, and to sub­vert the will of the peo­ple based on polls is not what we do in a democ­ra­cy.”
The fresh­man rep­re­sen­ta­tive s …