Har­ris vis­its spice shop known for hat­ing and slam­ming Repub­li­cans, calls for end of ‘divi­sive­ness’

<div>Harris visits spice shop known for hating and slamming Republicans, calls for end of 'divisiveness'</div>

Kamala Har­ris made a cam­paign stop on Sat­ur­day at a spice shop known to open­ly dis­crim­i­nate against Repub­li­cans while call­ing for an end to polit­i­cal “divison.“The spice shop, Pen­zeys Spices in Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­va­nia, wel­comed the Demo­c­rat nom­i­nee to browse the store and meet some supporters.While fac­ing a gag­gle of reporters, Har­ris claimed, “It’s time to turn the page on the divi­sive­ness. It’s time to bring our coun­try togeth­er, chart a new way forward.“HARRIS WILL HAVE TO ‘FACE OFF’ AGAINST BIDEN, HIS LEGACY IN DEBATE AGAINST TRUMP: NYT COLUMNIST“A lot of what I think is hap­pen­ing, and I was just talk­ing with some folks here in Pitts­burgh about it, is that peo­ple are exhaust­ed about the divi­sion and the attempt …