Law­fare ‘Brought Me Off the Side­lines:’ Sil­i­con Val­ley Titan Naval Ravikant Endors­es Don­ald Trump

<div>Lawfare 'Brought Me Off the Sidelines:' Silicon Valley Titan Naval Ravikant Endorses Donald Trump</div>

Leg­endary Sil­i­con Val­ley investor Naval Ravikant told Meg­yn Kel­ly that the law­fare against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump caused him to get “off the side­lines,” adding, “The moment you can start weaponiz­ing the law against your ene­mies” means “the begin­ning of the end” and a descent into “a com­plete banana repub­lic.”
“It was the law­fare that kind of brought me of …