NY Times Ed Board Mem­ber’s Anti-Con­ser­v­a­tive, Anti-Amer­i­can Bias Unveiled, Again

Well of course.
Here’s the head­line from Fox News: 

NYT edi­to­r­i­al board mem­ber says it’s ‘sil­ly’ for jour­nal­ists to hold Har­ris and Trump equal­ly account­able

‘Giv­en the breadth of what the vice pres­i­dent is offer­ing the Amer­i­can peo­ple, there is no com­par­i­son with Don­ald Trump,’ Mara Gay said

Got that? If jour­nal­ists have the gall — the gall!!!- to hold the Demo­c­rat and Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates to equal account — then they should be called out for bias.
And why would that be?
Here is Times Ed Board mem­ber Mara Gay explain­ing why.
It’s “a lit­tle sil­ly” Gay explained on MSNBC’s “Morn­ing Joe.” 

And just why would that be? Ms. Gay said (with bold print sup­plied for empha­sis):

I think the chal­lenge, not just for jour­nal­ists, but real­ly for the coun­try, is that not only is Don­ald T …