Trump claims Israel will be ‘gone’ with­in two years if Har­ris is elect­ed pres­i­dent: video

<div>Trump claims Israel will be 'gone' within two years if Harris is elected president: video</div>

For­mer Pres­i­dent Trump paint­ed a gloomy pic­ture of a poten­tial Har­ris pres­i­den­cy dur­ing a cam­paign speech on Sat­ur­day, claim­ing that Israel would be “doomed” under Har­ris’ watch and that the upcom­ing Novem­ber elec­tion “may be our last.“Speaking to a crowd in Mosi­nee, Wis­con­sin, Trump promised to “pre­vent World War III,” after speak­ing to the crowd about top­ics rang­ing from Social Secu­ri­ty reform to imple­ment­ing tar­iffs. “I will end the chaos in the Mid­dle East and I will pre­vent World War III,” Trump said at the podi­um. “And I’m the only one that can do it. I will pre­vent World War III.”“And if I don’t win this elec­tion, Israel, with com­rade Kamala Har­ris at the helm of the Unit­ed States, is doomed.” he con­tin­ued. “Israel is doomed.“HARRIS CAMPAIGN AGREES TO ABC PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE RULES WITH SOME ‘ASSURANCES’: REPOR­TAc­knowle …