Trump sug­gests Putin endorsed Har­ris to hurt her elec­toral chances

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump sug­gest­ed Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin endorsed Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris to hurt her elec­toral chances in remarks at his Wis­con­sin ral­ly Sat­ur­day.
Putin endorsed Har­ris Thurs­day at the East­ern Eco­nom­ic Forum in Vladi­vos­tok, also say­ing Pres­i­dent Joe Biden was “our ‘favorite,’ if you can call it that.”
“[Putin] endorsed Kamala,” Trump said on Sat­ur­day. “I was very offend­ed by that. I won­der why he endorsed Kamala. No, he’s a chess play­er. Con­gress­man, should I be upset about that? Was it done with a smile, Ron [John­son]?”
Trump: Putin endorsed Kamala. I was very offend­ed by that. I won­der why he endorsed Kamala. No, he’s a chess play­er. Should I be upset about that? No. Was it done with a smile, Ron? I think it was done with a smile.— Acyn (@Acyn) Sep­tem­ber 7, 2024
Trump then claimed “no one in his­to­ry had been tougher on Rus­sia than Trump,” and remarked the Ukraine war would be “done” if he is elect­ed. Putin had als …