Trump threat­ens legal action and jail time for those who ‘cheat­ed’ in elec­tion

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump threat­ened to pur­sue legal action and jail time for those who “cheat­ed” in the elec­tion if he wins in Novem­ber.
In a Truth Social post on Sat­ur­day, Trump decried alleged “ram­pant cheat­ing and skull­dug­gery” in the 2020 elec­tion and said he would pur­sue pros­e­cu­tions of those who alleged­ly cheat­ed “to the fullest extent of the law,” includ­ing “long term prison sen­tences.”
“CEASE & DESIST: I, togeth­er with many Attor­neys and Legal Schol­ars, am watch­ing the Sanc­ti­ty of the 2024 Pres­i­den­tial Elec­tion very close­ly because I know, bet­ter than most, the ram­pant Cheat­ing and Skull­dug­gery that has tak­en place by the Democ­rats in the 2020 Pres­i­den­tial Elec­tion. It was a Dis­grace to our Nation,” he said.
“There­fore, the 2024 El …