Geor­gia judge dis­miss­es two crim­i­nal counts against Trump in Fani Willis’ 2020 elec­tion inter­fer­ence case

<div>Georgia judge dismisses two criminal counts against Trump in Fani Willis' 2020 election interference case</div>

A judge dis­missed two crim­i­nal counts in the Geor­gia 2020 elec­tion inter­fer­ence case against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump and one oth­er count against allies of the for­mer president.Fulton Coun­ty Judge Scott McAfee ruled that Geor­gia pros­e­cu­tors had no author­i­ty to bring the charges, which relat­ed to alleged fil­ing of false doc­u­ments in fed­er­al court. “Pres­i­dent Trump and his legal team in Geor­gia have pre­vailed once again,” Trump attor­ney Steve Sad­ow said. “The tri­al court has decid­ed that counts 15 and 27 in the indict­ment must be quashed/dismissed.” Trump plead­ed not guilty to a …