Left­ist Rags Tried to Fact-Check Tax­pay­er-Fund­ed Plan Backed by Har­ris… It Didn’t Go Well

Leftist Rags Tried to Fact-Check Taxpayer-Funded Plan Backed by Harris… It Didn’t Go Well

Two left­ist mag­a­zines became the lat­est rags to false­ly fact-check for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s asser­tions dur­ing the ABC News debate that Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris pledged to exploit tax­pay­er dol­lars on gen­der tran­si­tions for ille­gal aliens. Telling­ly, one of those mag­a­zines is owned by a left­ist Har­ris donor.

TIME mag­a­zine, the left­ist pub­li …