Alleged Trump gun­man Ryan Routh has a paper trail of pro-Ukraine advo­ca­cy: reports

Alleged Trump gunman Ryan Routh has a paper trail of pro-Ukraine advocacy: reports

The alleged gun­man arrest­ed at the Trump Inter­na­tion­al Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Flori­da, has a lengthy paper trail of pro-Ukraine advo­ca­cy, accord­ing to sev­er­al news reports Monday.The sus­pect, Ryan Wes­ley Routh, 58, was arrest­ed Sun­day after alleged­ly push­ing the muz­zle of an assault rifle through a chain-link fence near for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s golf course, where the for­mer pres­i­dent was play­ing the fifth hole. How­ev­er, this is not the first time Routh has been identified.Routh is a pro-Ukraine activist who has spent time in the East­ern Euro­pean …