Biden Per­mits Ukraine to Use ATACMS Sys­tem Against Russ­ian Ter­ri­to­ry

The Biden admin­is­tra­tion has autho­rized Ukraine to use the long-range ATACMS mis­sile sys­tem against tar­gets with­in Russia’s pre-2014 bor­ders, accord­ing to a Sun­day report. This move rep­re­sents a sig­nif­i­cant esca­la­tion a mere two months before it is set to leave office.

The deci­sion, which has alleged­ly divid­ed Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s advi­sors, is sup­posed to assist the ongo­ing Ukrain­ian incur­sion in Russia’s Kursk region in response to the alleged deploy­ment of North Kore­an troops by Rus­sia. 

The ATACMS tar­get­ing sys­tem relies on an Amer­i­can-oper­at­ed GPS sys­tem, which uses data col­lect­ed and trans­mit­ted by U.S. satel­lites. As a result, the oper­a­tion of the sys­tem requires the active use of Amer­i­can assets. Because of this, the U.S. and U.K. deferred mak­ing a deci­sion in Sep­tem­ber when the pos­si­bil­i­ty of allow­ing such strikes was being open­ly dis­cussed by Biden and British Prime Min­is­ter Keir Starmer. 

In Sep­tem­ber, Rus­sia indi­cat­ed that strikes against Rus­sia with the ATACMS would be a major esca­la­tion, with the Vyach­eslav Volodin, the chair­man of the State Duma, stat­ing that Rus­sia would have to use “more pow­er­ful and destruc­tive weapons” if the Biden admin­is­tra­tion allowed ATACMS strikes against Rus­sia. 

At the time, Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin pub­licly com­ment­ed that the use of the ATACMS sys­tem against Rus­sia would be esca­la­to­ry. “If this deci­sion is made, it will mean noth­ing less than the direct par­tic­i­pa­tion of NATO coun­tries, the Unit­ed States, the Euro­pean coun­tries, in the war in Ukraine,” Putin told Russ­ian state tele­vi­sion. “This changes the very nature of the con­flict.” 

Putin also cit­ed the tar­get­ing sys­tem of the ATACMS as to why such a deci­sion would be esca­la­to­ry, com­ment­ing: 

The key point is that only ser­vice­men of NATO coun­tries can input flight mis­sions into these mis­sile sys­tems. Ukrain­ian ser­vice­men can­not do this. There­fore this is not about per­mit­ting or not per­mit­ting the Ukrain­ian regime to strike Rus­sia with these weapons. This is about whether or not NATO coun­tries take the deci­sion to direct­ly par­tic­i­pate in the mil­i­tary con­flict.

While the U.S. has pro­vid­ed Ukraine with and per­mit­ted Ukrain­ian use of the ATACMS sys­tem in the cur­rent con­flict, its use has been lim­it­ed to Ukraine’s pre-2014 bor­ders. 

Despite the stat­ed red­lines, Rus­sia may eschew esca­la­to­ry retal­i­a­tion; Pres­i­dent-elect Don­ald Trump has indi­cat­ed a desire to end the con­flict. 

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