HHS Sec­re­tary Xavier Becer­ra evis­cer­at­ed for mis­han­dling of unac­com­pa­nied chil­dren

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra eviscerated for mishandling of unaccompanied children

House Repub­li­cans pressed Health and Human Ser­vices Sec­re­tary Xavier Becer­ra on Wednes­day to pro­vide an answer for los­ing track of thou­sands of unac­count­ed migrant chil­dren and fum­bling the vet­ting process that alleged­ly has allowed some minors to be sent to gang mem­bers and even a strip club.

Becer­ra tes­ti­fied that his agency fol­lows “child wel­fare best prac­tices” with “exten­sive” back­ground checks that would not allow a child to be placed with some­one “engaged in crim­i­nal activ­i­ty.”

Rep. Andy Big­gs (R‑AZ) asked Becer­ra about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of chil­dren end­ing up with MS-13 gang mem­bers as spon­sors.

“But if you don’t do the vet­ting right, you don’t know if they’re engaged in crim­i­nal activ­i­ty. That’s how you end up with an MS-13 gang mem­ber as the spon­sor,” the Ari­zona Repub­li­can said in the hear­ing. “That’s how you end up with pedophiles get­ting 20 chil­dren in the same home … The vet­ting has been crap­py. That’s the bot­tom line.”

The HHS sec­re­tary denied any knowl­edge of this cir­cum­stance. How­ev­er, the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er report­ed in July that doc­u­ments from HHS showed that two unac­com­pa­nied migrant chil­dren went to live with a spon­sor who had ties to a con­vict­ed crim­i­nal MS-13 gang mem­ber, accord­ing to a Sen­ate inves­ti­ga­tion.

HHS whistle­blow­ers have revealed in recent months that there is a lack of vet­ting and screen­ing of adult spon­sors for these chil­dren.

Rep. Chip Roy (R‑TX) grilled the HHS sec­re­tary on Wednes­day over the crim­i­nal checks of the spon­sors.

“Do you do the full crim­i­nal his­to­ry checks for the poten­tial spon­sors of these chil­dren?” the Texas con­gress­man asked on Wednes­day.

“Well, yes, we fol­low child best prac­tices,” Becer­ra respond­ed.

“Right, the answer’s no?” the Texas con­gress­man asked again.

“It’s a yes, we fol­low child wel­fare best prac­tices,” the sec­re­tary repeat­ed.

“That’s not my ques­tion,” Roy said.

Roy pushed back on Becer­ra, not­ing that HHS does not car­ry out FBI crim­i­nal his­to­ry checks on all potssi­ble spon­sors. The Texas Repub­li­can also esti­mat­ed that the unac­com­pa­nied miss­ing migrant chil­dren are like­ly over 400,000.

Becer­ra admit­ted that they “lose cus­tody” of the chil­dren when they hand them off to a spon­sor.


Rep. Tom Tiffany (R‑WI) ques­tioned the HHS sec­re­tary about why unac­com­pa­nied minor chil­dren were set­tled at a strip club in Flori­da and then pimped out by an “aunt” who has no rela­tion to them at all.

Becer­ra denied knowl­edge of the sto­ry that the con­gress­man shared of the unac­com­pa­nied chil­dren.