White House Morale Report­ed­ly In Sham­bles Due To Biden Stiff­ing Staffers On Pho­to Ops

White House Morale Reportedly In Shambles Due To Biden Stiffing Staffers On Photo Ops

Morale around the White House is low as staffers com­plain they won’t get the tra­di­tion­al part­ing gift of a pho­to with the pres­i­dent, accord­ing to Politi­co Play­book.

It is tra­di­tion in the Biden White House that staffers, once they decide to leave the admin­is­tra­tion, get a pho­to with the pres­i­dent as a thank you for their con­tri­bu­tion, Politi­co Play­book report­ed. But as the pres­i­dent has can­celled the pho­tos for the last few months, staffers are now con­cerned they might not get the cov­et­ed shot despite recent changes, accord­ing to the out­let. (RELATED: With All Eyes On Trump, Biden’s Bub­ble Gath­ered For One Last Swanky, Insu­lat­ed Send­off)

The Office of Man­age­ment and Administration’s employ­ee engage­ment team recent­ly noti­fied staff that they would be get­ting a pho­to on a rolling basis some­time over the next two months, but no addi­tion­al guests will be allowed in the shot, accord­ing to an email obtained by Politi­co Play­book. This caveat upset staffers, the out­let report­ed, because fam­i­ly of staffers have typ­i­cal­ly been invit­ed and would fly down for the occa­sion and a few min­utes with the pres­i­dent.

“Instead of every­one being annoyed by no depar­ture pho­tos, now it’s only half of the peo­ple who are annoyed,” one cur­rent admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial told Politi­co Play­book.

US President Joe Biden speaks with White House staffers as he walks to board Marine One from the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC, on August 16, 2024. Biden is traveling to Philadelphia before going to Camp David for the weekend. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP) (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

US Pres­i­dent Joe Biden speaks with White House staffers as he walks to board Marine One from the South Lawn of the White House in Wash­ing­ton, DC, on August 16, 2024. Biden is trav­el­ing to Philadel­phia before going to Camp David for the week­end. (Pho­to by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Get­ty Images)

But morale may have tak­en a big­ger hit than some have expect­ed, as senior staffers have found them­selves frus­trat­ed to see junior offi­cials get­ting pho­tos with the pres­i­dent before them, Politi­co Play­book report­ed.

“It makes me annoyed that I’m even this annoyed, but it’s the prin­ci­ple of the mat­ter and a cov­et­ed White House expe­ri­ence to get a depar­ture pho­to,” a text from a for­mer offi­cial obtained by Politi­co Play­book reads. “Like why did I see an intern turned staff assis­tant get a pho­to before me?”

Anoth­er for­mer offi­cial told the out­let that a group of staffers are con­sid­er­ing whether or not to write a peti­tion in an effort to get senior staff pho­tos with the pres­i­dent. An admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial told Politi­co Play­book that for­mer staff are expect­ed to receive invites soon to get a pho­to with the pres­i­dent, a move he hopes will be enough to quell con­cerns about the sit­u­a­tion.

“These are the staffers who stood with Biden since Day 1, many since the low­est ebbs of the cam­paign,” one for­mer offi­cial wrote in a mes­sage to col­leagues, obtained by Politi­co Play­book.

“The staffers who gave every­thing to this Pres­i­dent, who missed anniver­saries, birth­days, their own doc­tors appoint­ments, know­ing democ­ra­cy itself was on the line, deserve at the very least a prop­er good­bye from the man who says he owes them every­thing,” the mes­sage con­tin­ues.

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris join hands in the air as they view the fireworks on the National Mall with First Lady Jill Biden and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff from the White House balcony during a 4th of July event on the South Lawn of the White House on July 4, 2024 in Washington, DC. The President is hosting the Independence Day event for members of the military and their families. (Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris join hands in the air as they view the fire­works on the Nation­al Mall with First Lady Jill Biden and Sec­ond Gen­tle­man Doug Emhoff from the White House bal­cony dur­ing a 4th of July event on the South Lawn of the White House on July 4, 2024 in Wash­ing­ton, DC. (Pho­to by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)

Since drop­ping out of the pres­i­den­tial race in July, Biden has kept a rel­a­tive­ly low pro­file. The pres­i­dent and his allies gath­ered Nov. 22, for a din­ner meant to thank his long­time sup­port­ers. The pres­i­dent thanked atten­dees for sup­port­ing him both polit­i­cal­ly and through­out the tragedy in his life. The First Lady toast­ed to her hus­band, say­ing he was her “hero.”

“And I just want to say, thank you, thank you, thank you,” the pres­i­dent said.

“There’s anoth­er Irish poet who once said that his­to­ry teach­es us not to hope on this side of the grave, but then, once in a life­time, a longed-for tidal wave of jus­tice ris­es up and hope and his­to­ry rhyme,” the 82-year-old appeared to recite from mem­o­ry. “You’re mak­ing hope and his­to­ry rhyme.”