“Civ­i­liza­tions Die From Sui­cide”: Here Are 16 Signs That Our Soci­ety Is Doing Exact­ly That

“Civilizations Die From Suicide”: Here Are 16 Signs That Our Society Is Doing Exactly That

When I write about “the col­lapse of soci­ety”, a lot of peo­ple out there think that I am exag­ger­at­ing.  Sad­ly, the truth is that I am not exag­ger­at­ing at all.  The Unit­ed States was once the great­est coun­try in the world, but now we have become one of the most self-destruc­tive soci­eties that the world has ever seen.  We have turned our backs on the val­ues of our fore­fa­thers, and we are lit­er­al­ly destroy­ing every­thing that they worked so hard to give us.

Ear­li­er today, I came across a quote from his­to­ri­an Arnold Toyn­bee that real­ly res­onat­ed with me…

In the mid-20th cen­tu­ry, his­to­ri­an Arnold Toyn­bee, who had stud­ied the vary­ing fates of 28 soci­eties, said: “Civil­i­sa­tions die from sui­cide, not from mur­der.”

He is right.

Most great civ­i­liza­tions through­out his­to­ry have been destroyed from with­in, and now the exact same thing is hap­pen­ing to us.

Will this pres­i­den­tial elec­tion be the most impor­tant in Amer­i­can his­to­ry?

The fol­low­ing are 16 signs that Amer­i­ca is lit­er­al­ly com­mit­ting sui­cide right in front of our eyes…

#1 Our sui­cide rate just keeps going high­er and high­er

Accord­ing to new data from the US Cen­ters for Dis­ease Con­trol and Pre­ven­tion, the sui­cide rate in the Unit­ed States recent­ly reached its high­est peak since 1941.

#2 Mean­while, our birth rate just fell to the low­est lev­el ever record­ed

In 2023, the US fer­til­i­ty rate fell anoth­er 3% from the year before, to a his­toric low of about 55 births for every 1,000 females ages 15 to 44, accord­ing to final data pub­lished Tues­day by the CDC’s Nation­al Cen­ter for Health Sta­tis­tics. Just under 3.6 mil­lion babies were born last year, about 68,000 few­er than the year before.

Since 2007, when the fer­til­i­ty rate was at its most recent high, the num­ber of births has declined 17%, and the gen­er­al fer­til­i­ty rate has declined 21%, accord­ing to the new report.

#3 As a soci­ety, we are increas­ing­ly reject­ing the tra­di­tion­al fam­i­ly unit.  As I dis­cussed the oth­er day, the per­cent­age of the pop­u­la­tion that is sin­gle and child­less is now greater than the per­cent­age of the pop­u­la­tion that is mar­ried with chil­dren.

#4 Instead of great­ly valu­ing our chil­dren, we are becom­ing an anti-child soci­ety.  In Texas, law enforce­ment author­i­ties tell us that there is an epi­dem­ic of moth­ers aban­don­ing their chil­dren…

Statewide, accord­ing to the Texas Depart­ment of Fam­i­ly and Pro­tec­tive Ser­vices, at least 18 babies have been aban­doned this year. The lat­est occurred just before Christ­mas at a Whataburg­er in San Anto­nio. A decade ago, the num­ber was sev­en.

#5 The num­ber of abor­tions in the Unit­ed States is actu­al­ly high­er than it was before Roe v. Wade was over­turned…

Abor­tion has become slight­ly more com­mon despite bans or deep restric­tions in most Repub­li­can-con­trolled states, and the legal and polit­i­cal fights over its future are not over yet.

It’s now been two and a half years since the U.S. Supreme Court over­turned Roe v. Wade and opened the door for states to imple­ment bans.

#6 Approx­i­mate­ly one out of every ten abor­tions in the U.S. hap­pens “via pills pre­scribed via tele­health to patients in states where abor­tion is banned”

But now, it’s become more com­mon for pill pre­scrip­tions to be made by tele­health. By the sum­mer of 2024, about 1 in 10 abor­tions was via pills pre­scribed via tele­health to patients in states where abor­tion is banned.

#7 Tis­sue from abort­ed fetus­es is used in some of the most hor­ri­fy­ing ways imag­in­able.

#8 A woman was just burned alive while she was rid­ing the sub­way in New York, and every­one is act­ing like this is per­fect­ly nor­mal…

A grand jury has indict­ed the man accused of fatal­ly set­ting a woman on fire a New York City sub­way train, Brook­lyn Dis­trict Attor­ney Eric Gon­za­lez announced.

Inves­ti­ga­tors said Sebas­t­ian Zape­ta, 33, used a lighter to set the uniden­ti­fied woman’s clothes on fire as she slept inside a train car at the Coney Island-Still­well Avenue sta­tion on Dec. 22.

Zape­ta used a shirt to fan the flames, accord­ing to the crim­i­nal com­plaint. He is charged with one court of 1st degree mur­der, three counts of 2nd degree mur­der and one court of 1st degree arson relat­ed to the attack.

#9 Thanks to the self-destruc­tive bor­der poli­cies of our politi­cians, an ultra-vio­lent Venezue­lan gang is now entrenched in 18 U.S. states

Fears are grow­ing over the spread of a vio­lent Venezue­lan gang across the US, with experts warn­ing the mob­sters could have a foothold in more than half the coun­try by Feb­ru­ary next year.

It emerged ear­li­er this month that Tren de Aragua, which has been dubbed the ‘epit­o­me of evil’ and ‘MS-13 on steroids’, is already oper­at­ing in 18 states.

This includes some of the most remote cor­ners of the Amer­i­ca in Col­orado, North Dako­ta, Mon­tana, Neva­da and Wyoming. The blood­thirsty crim­i­nals also main­tain strong­holds in major cities across Texas as well as New York and Chica­go.

#10 Even when crim­i­nals are arrest­ed, they are often put back into the streets over and over again.  In Flori­da, a 31-year-old man was just arrest­ed for the 35th time

Police say Kevin Cam­pana, 31, was arrest­ed for his 35th time in Volu­sia Coun­ty after steal­ing a car and attempt­ing to escape offi­cers Dec. 23.

The Edg­wa­ter Police Depart­ment says Cam­pana broke into Hibis­cus Whole­sale Auto Parts Inc. on Mon­day and stole a car while wear­ing no shoes.

Offi­cers say Cam­pana attempt­ed to escape police in a car chase, which end­ed in a head-on crash with a K‑9 units car.

#11 Kids are com­mit­ting very seri­ous crimes all over the coun­try.  In fact, a 9‑year-old kid was just arrest­ed for being involved in a car­jack­ing in Bal­ti­more

Local news Fox Bal­ti­more reports three juve­niles, includ­ing a 9‑year-old, and two adults were arrest­ed last Sun­day in con­nec­tion to an armed car­jack­ing near the 3900 block of East Lom­bard Street.

“Once there, offi­cers spoke with a 32-year-old woman who stat­ed while stopped at a stop sign at Grundy at Bank Street, four male sus­pects approached her vehi­cle. One sus­pect, described as a white male, pro­duced a met­al tool, smash­ing her win­dow. The sus­pect then pro­ceed­ed to drag the woman from the vehi­cle and fled the loca­tion in the victim’s car,” the local out­let said.

Offi­cers arrest­ed a 21-year-old man, a 15-year-old boy, a 19-year-old man, a 16-year-old boy, and a 9‑year-old boy after a short foot pur­suit. The 21 and 16-year-olds were tak­en to the Cen­tral Book­ing Intake Facil­i­ty, while the 15-year-old was tak­en to the Depart­ment of Juve­nile Ser­vices. The 9‑year-old was released to his par­ents.

#12 To a very large degree, we have allowed our lives to be dom­i­nat­ed by the tech­no­log­i­cal con­trol matrix that is being con­struct­ed all around us.  I real­ly like how Denis Vil­leneuve recent­ly made this point

Denis Vil­leneuve, direc­tor of the hit sci-fi fran­chise Dune, expressed dis­may about how indi­vid­u­al­ism has suf­fered dur­ing the age of Big Tech.

Speak­ing with the Los Ange­les Times, Vil­leneuve lament­ed that “human beings are ruled by algo­rithms right now,” adding that he keeps a strict no cell phone pol­i­cy on his movie sets.

“We behave like AI cir­cuits. The ways we see the world are nar­row-mind­ed bina­ries. We’re dis­con­nect­ing from each oth­er, and soci­ety is crum­bling in some ways. It’s fright­en­ing,” he said.

#13 Just like ancient Greece and ancient Rome, we have allowed sex­u­al immoral­i­ty to run ram­pant.  The fol­low­ing case from Geor­gia should be a major league wake up call for all of us…

Two Geor­gia men who were con­vict­ed in the sick­en­ing sex abuse of their two adopt­ed sons are head­ed to prison for the rest of their lives.

A judge decid­ed that mar­ried gay cou­ple William and Zachary Zulock – once dar­lings of the LGBTQ scene in Geor­gia – will each serve 100 years in prison for sodom­iz­ing their young sons, record­ing the sex acts and pro­vid­ing videos of the abuse to oth­er pedophiles, 11Alive report­ed.

The hor­rif­ic abuse was believed to take place when the boys were as young as three and five years old.

#14 Need­less to say, that case in Geor­gia is not as iso­lat­ed inci­dent.  In a pre­vi­ous arti­cle, I explained that there are now 795,000 reg­is­tered sex offend­ers in this coun­try.

#15 In the 1940s, almost 80 per­cent of all Amer­i­cans belonged to a church or some oth­er type of reli­gious insti­tu­tion.  Today, that fig­ure is down to just 45 per­cent

In the late 1940s, near­ly 80% of Amer­i­cans said they belonged to a church, syn­a­gogue, mosque or tem­ple, accord­ing to Gallup. Today, just 45% say the same, the ana­lyt­ics com­pa­ny not­ed, and only 32% say that they wor­ship God in a house of prayer once a week.

#16 Thou­sands of church­es have been per­ma­nent­ly shut­ting down all over Amer­i­ca, and many of the old build­ings are now being used for oth­er pur­pos­es

Some for­mer church­es are being con­vert­ed for busi­ness­es or res­i­den­tial use. One old Methodist church in Atlanta, which was down to about 60 mem­bers when it closed, was sold to a lux­u­ry real estate devel­op­er sev­en years ago. Now, it’s become a series of 3,000-square-foot con­dos.

If we stay on the road that we are cur­rent­ly on, our soci­ety will die.

But if we reverse course and start doing what is right with all our hearts, any­thing is pos­si­ble.

We were once a light to the entire world, and we can be that light again.

But at this moment our soci­ety is rac­ing into the dark­ness, and it won’t be too long before our self-destruc­tive behav­ior catch­es up with us in a major way.

Cross-post­ed with Sons of Lib­er­ty Media


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