News­Busters Pod­cast: A Sap­py Rerun for Chris­tine ‘No Evi­dence’ Ford

<div>NewsBusters Podcast: A Sappy Rerun for Christine 'No Evidence' Ford</div>

Chris­tine Blasey Ford pro­vid­ed what they call “no evi­dence” to back up her 2018 claim that Brett Kavanaugh assault­ed her when they were teenagers. Kavanaugh fierce­ly denied the charge. Her “wit­ness­es” did­n’t see it her way. But CBS and ABC and NPR have pro­vid­ed sap­py pub­lic­i­ty for her new book – which pro­vides no new evi­dence of her sto­ry.
Inter­view­ers sym­pa­thet­i­cal­ly asked why she would go through this “trau­ma” again — ignor­ing that there was mon­ey to be made. Ford claimed this was for all the oth­er victims.Ford’s new book is pub­lished by St. Mar­t­in’s Press.…which is the same Man­hat­tan pub­lish­er that issued E. Jean Car­rol­l’s book What Do We Need Men For?, the 2019 book where she accused Don­ald Trump of sex­u­al assault in a depart­ment store, only she could­n’t remem­ber which …