Sev­en vul­ner­a­ble Repub­li­cans in the spot­light as lib­er­al group turns up pres­sure to get fund­ing for Ukraine

Seven vulnerable Republicans in the spotlight as liberal group turns up pressure to get funding for Ukraine

A Demo­c­ra­t­ic vet­er­an polit­i­cal action com­mit­tee tar­get­ed sev­en vul­ner­a­ble Repub­li­can law­mak­ers in a series of TV ads on Tues­day, pres­sur­ing the law­mak­ers to vote in favor of send­ing more aid to Ukraine.
The lib­er­al vet­er­an-focused Action Fund will roll out the two-week $530,000 ad buy, which is tar­get­ing Reps. Jen Kig­gans (R‑VA), Marc Moli­naro (R‑NY), Bran­don Williams (R‑NY), Juan Cis­co­mani (R‑AZ), David Val­adao (R‑CA), John Duarte (R‑CA), and Lori Chavez-DeRe­mer (R‑OR).
The six ads are iden­ti­cal except for the names of the law­mak­ers. One of the ads, which airs in Cal­i­for­nia, tar­gets Val­adao and Duarte.
“The war crim­i­nal dic­ta­tor is bid­ing his time, wait­ing, while [member’s name] plays right into his hands,” the nar­ra­tor says in the ad, refer­ring to Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin. “Ukraini­ans have more than held their own, tak­ing back over half the land Rus­sia seized. But now, [member’s name] is hold­ing Ukraine aid hostage, fol­low­ing orders fro …