The Uni­vi­sion-Biden Inter­view: Don’t Call It A Recon­quista

Heavy is the bur­den of being right. Univision’s inter­view of Pres­i­dent Joe Biden went exact­ly as we fore­told- the soft­ball that the left, Acela Media and Pro­fes­sion­al Lat­inx still think Tele­visa anchor Enrique Aceve­do afford­ed for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump back in Novem­ber. What­ev­er you may wish to call it: don’t call it a return to form for Uni­vi­sion, because the net­work nev­er stopped being a reli­able Demo­c­rat talk­ing point regur­gi­ta­tor. 
In this sense, Uni­vi­sion was defamed by every­one scream­ing about a right­ward shift that only actu­al­ly exists in the fevered swamps of the imag­i­na­tions of the Acela Media and …