Dai­ly Show Tor­tures Pina­ta To Cope With Trump Lead­ing Lati­no Vote

Actor and alleged come­di­an John Leguizamo joined Tuesday’s edi­tion of The Dai­ly Show on Com­e­dy Cen­tral to have a calm and ratio­nal, adult-like reac­tion to polling that shows Don­ald Trump lead­ing among Lati­nos. Just kid­ding, he decid­ed to tor­ture a piña­ta while going off a pro­fan­i­ty-rid­den Span­ish tirade.
Trans­lat­ed into Eng­lish (hat tip to News­Busters’ Jorge Bonil­la), as he mauled the poor piña­ta, Leguizamo rant­ed, “Shit, [bleep]dammit, triple son of a [bleep], mother[bleep], [unin­tel­li­gi­ble] bas­tard!”

After the tor­ture ses­sion con­clud­ed, Leguiza …