Psa­ki Agrees To Inter­view On Afghan With­draw­al — But May Still Face Sub­poe­na, House Chair­man Says

Psaki Agrees To Interview On Afghan Withdrawal — But May Still Face Subpoena, House Chairman Says

For­mer White House Press Sec­re­tary Jen Psa­ki has agreed to tes­ti­fy for a con­gres­sion­al inves­ti­ga­tion into the Biden administration’s chaot­ic 2021 with­draw­al from Afghanistan — but with a catch that may still result in a sub­poe­na being issued, a top House Repub­li­can announced on Mon­day.
House For­eign Affairs Chair­man Michael McCaul (R‑TX), who had threat­ened to sub­poe­na Psa­ki if she did not stop dodg­ing an inter­view after sev­er­al months of cor­re­spon­dence, said her coun­sel sent a response last week, and now a tran­scribed inter­view has been sched­uled for July 26.
Yet the issue is not ful­ly resolved, as McCaul said in a new let­ter to Psa­ki that it is his under­stand­ing that she “con­di­tioned” her appear­ance upon receiv­ing approval from the White House. The chair­man …

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