Signs of enthu­si­asm for Trump and Har­ris may be fad­ing ahead of Elec­tion Day

Signs of enthusiasm for Trump and Harris may be fading ahead of Election Day

With less than two months until Elec­tion Day, Har­ris and Trump may face declin­ing enthu­si­asm for their can­di­da­cies. The race will lareg­ly be decid­ed by vot­er enthu­si­asm dri­ving turnout.
Here are three major warn­ing signs for each can­di­date show­ing a risk of declin­ing enthu­si­asm ahead of Elec­tion Day:
Har­ris: No boost from DNC
The Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion was high­ly antic­i­pat­ed, with many observers believ­ing that it could deal a mor­tal blow to the Har …