NY Times Tech Guy Sees ‘Big­ots’ on Social Media, Gets Touchy When He’s Smeared Too

NY Times Tech Guy Sees ‘Bigots’ on Social Media, Gets Touchy When He’s Smeared Too

New York Times tech reporter/columnist Kevin Roose is noto­ri­ous here at News­Busters for hail­ing a gay-Marx­ist activist who suc­cess­ful­ly “demon­e­tized” a con­ser­v­a­tive comedian’s YouTube account, and for nudg­ing social media plat­forms toward anti-con­ser­v­a­tive cen­sor­ship.
While Roose sure­ly sur­prised read­ers with his reluc­tant approval of a Tik­Tok ban in his Fri­day piece, “Tik­Tok Is Its Own Worst Ene­my,” his rea­son­ing was unin­ten­tion­al­ly amus­ing and reveal­ing of hypocrisy.

I was real­ly root­ing for Tik­Tok.
In 2020, when the Trump admin­is­tra­tion first tried to force TikTok’s Chi­nese own­er, ByteDance, to sell the app or risk hav­ing it shut down, I argued that ban­ning Tik­Tok in the Unit­ed States would do more harm than good.
Why? Part­ly because Tik­Tok seemed like a con­ve­nient scape­goat for prob­lems — inva­sive data col­lec­tion, opaque con­tent poli­cies, addic­tive rec­om­men­da­tion algo­rithms — that plagued all the big social media apps, and part­ly because I nev­er bought the argu­ment that the app …