Mia­mi Beach may­or touts ‘calmest spring break’ in years fol­low­ing police crack­down

Miami Beach mayor touts ‘calmest spring break’ in years following police crackdown

The may­or of Mia­mi Beach, Flori­da, described the numer­ous spring break pre­cau­tions tak­en by the city as an over­all suc­cess, not­ing a decrease in arrests com­pared to pre­vi­ous years.
The Flori­da city has been a pop­u­lar spring break des­ti­na­tion for col­lege stu­dents and had been the tar­get of crime. This year, the city and state announced a mul­ti­tude of pre­cau­tions it would be tak­ing to low­er crime dur­ing spring break, such as a cur­few and an increased police pres­ence, with Mia­mi Beach May­or Steven Mein­er not­ing how many busi­ness­es have ben­e­fit­ed from these pre­cau­tions.
“This is the calmest spring break we’ve had in years,” Mein­er told Fox News Live. “A num­ber of restau­rants that make their bus …